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It basically means that it behaves like a normal app on your device, but shows the Hugo Von website rather than running device code.
Android or PC: Click "Install App" in the main menu of this website.
Note: If the "Install App" menu item is grayed out, you may have to interact with the page a bit before the browser lets you install the app.
Apple: Tap the "Share" button in Safari, select "Add to Home Screen" from the pop-up menu, and then tap "Add" to confirm the installation.
This page is where you update your profile information and change settings, such as privacy and notification settings.
Note: In order to change a field, click the icon next to that field.
Be sure to click the "Update Profile" button in order to save changes.
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Please login using the account menu at the top-right corner of the page.
A cookie will be saved to your browser that will keep you logged in for 30 days after your last visit to, even after closing your browser.
You may only be logged in on two devices at a time using this method. If you log in on a third device, you will be automatically logged out of the device that had logged in the longest time ago.
Only select this option when on a private device you trust.
You will be logged out when you close your browser.
You may only be logged in on one device at a time using this method. If you log in on another device, you will be automatically logged out of any other devices that were logged in using this method. Logging in using this method does not affect any devices that were logged in using the "Stay logged in" method.
Device Settings
These sponsors, along with the users that support Hugo, keep this site alive.
If you are fiscally blessed. Become a "Hugo Supporter" by donating in the Profile & Settings page.
With donations of $29 or more, you will get 1 year of Hugo Von ad-free.
Hugo thanks you all.
Posts have the following sections:
This is the Von page that you are posting to. Most often, you will be posting to your own page. However, you may also want to post to another user's page.
You can only post to another user's page if that user allows it in their profile settings.
My cousin, Alex, was the inspiration behind this feature. He sends out a yearly "newsletter" to his family with highlights of his life from the year. He shares 5-10 items, such as weddings, new business ventures, new hobbies, etc. I always look forward to seeing these.
The purpose of post importance is best explained with an example. Let's say you want to see what your cousin has been up to this past year. However, your cousin posts every day. You don't want to sift through hundreds of posts just to see the important stuff, like engagements, etc. The solution is to filter for "High Importance" posts. That way, you can easily see the important stuff.
Since we should treat others the way we want to be treated, we want to make it easy for them to filter our posts the same way. Therefore, when we make a post, we should choose the correct importance level.
Since you are posting to another user's von page, the visibility for this post is set to the default for that user.
This is to prevent someone from posting a public post to a user's page who wants their page/posts to be private.
If you have a Post draft and you click "CLOSE", your Post draft will be saved, and it will be there for next time.
Find any user of
Click a button at the top of this page to show users within that type. For example, click "Following Me" to show the users that are following you.
"By Category" allows you to show users whom you have assigned to custom categories you created, such as "Coworkers", or "College Friends".
You can then search even deeper within those users by using the search section.
Choose the user whose page you want your post to be posted to.
Find any user of
Click a button at the top of this page to show users within that type. For example, click "Following Me" to show the users that are following you.
"By Category" allows you to show users whom you have assigned to custom categories you created, such as "Coworkers", or "College Friends".
You can then search even deeper within those users by using the search section.
Select users who are able to see this post you are creating.
Find any user of
Click a button at the top of this page to show users within that type. For example, click "Following Me" to show the users that are following you.
"By Category" allows you to show users whom you have assigned to custom categories you created, such as "Coworkers", or "College Friends".
You can then search even deeper within those users by using the search section.
Select users who you want to see posts from.
Find any user of
Click a button at the top of this page to show users within that type. For example, click "Following Me" to show the users that are following you.
"By Category" allows you to show users whom you have assigned to custom categories you created, such as "Coworkers", or "College Friends".
You can then search even deeper within those users by using the search section.
Select users you want to repost to.
Find any user of
Click a button at the top of this page to show users within that type. For example, click "Following Me" to show the users that are following you.
"By Category" allows you to show users whom you have assigned to custom categories you created, such as "Coworkers", or "College Friends".
You can then search even deeper within those users by using the search section.
Narrow down the current list of results based on search criteria.
Your Von is your username.
Your profile page will have a unique URL of
People can search/find you using your Von.
When you want to find people, you ask them, "What's your Von?".
Your Von must be between 1 and 64 characters in length
Your Von can only contain capital or lowercase letters, underscores, hyphens, or numbers.
Searching for "Jon" will return results for "Jonathan".
Searching for "Jon" will only return results for "Jon".
Searching for "Jon" will return results for "Jonathan".
Searching for "Jon" will only return results for "Jon".
Searching for "Jon" will return results for "Jonathan".
Searching for "Jon" will only return results for "Jon".
Searching for "Jon" will return results for "Jonathan".
Searching for "Jon" will only return results for "Jon".
If you have a message draft and you click "CLOSE", your message draft will be saved, and it will be there the next time you open a message with this user.
Categorize this person into custom categories, such as family, extended family, college friends, coworkers, church, etc.
This allows you to easily filter posts by categories and do other stuff.
NOTE: These categories are for your private use. Users will not know they are in this category.
Click the checkbox to the left of each category name to add or remove this person from that category.
Click the pencil icon to edit the category's name. (This affects this category name for all people in this category)
Click the trash can icon to delete the category. (This deletes the category for all people in this category)
Check the checkbox next to a category to see a list of people who are assigned to that category.
Categories allow you to easily filter posts by categories and do other stuff.
NOTE: These categories are for your private use. Users will not know they are in this category.
Click the pencil icon to edit the category name. (This affects this category name for all people in this category)
Click the trash can icon to delete the category. (This deletes the category for all people in this category)
You add/remove people from categories by clicking the 3-dot menu next to a user or post and then clicking "Categorize".
Check the checkbox next to a category to add every user in this category to be able to view the post you are creating.
Categories allow you to easily filter posts by categories and do other stuff.
NOTE: These categories are for your private use. Users will not know they are in this category.
Click the pencil icon to edit the category name. (This affects this category name for all people in this category)
Click the trash can icon to delete the category. (This deletes the category for all people in this category)
You add/remove people from categories by clicking the 3-dot menu next to a user or post and then clicking "Categorize".
Check the checkbox next to a category to add every user in this category so you can see posts on their von page.
Categories allow you to easily filter posts by categories and do other stuff.
NOTE: These categories are for your private use. Users will not know they are in this category.
Click the pencil icon to edit the category name. (This affects this category name for all people in this category)
Click the trash can icon to delete the category. (This deletes the category for all people in this category)
You add/remove people from categories by clicking the 3-dot menu next to a user or post and then clicking "Categorize".
Check the checkbox next to a category to add every user in this category so you can repost to their von page.
Categories allow you to easily filter posts by categories and do other stuff.
NOTE: These categories are for your private use. Users will not know they are in this category.
Click the pencil icon to edit the category name. (This affects this category name for all people in this category)
Click the trash can icon to delete the category. (This deletes the category for all people in this category)
You add/remove people from categories by clicking the 3-dot menu next to a user or post and then clicking "Categorize".
An example might be the best way to explain.
Let's say you love juggling and want to share juggling tricks with others who have the same passion. You could create a group called, "JugglingTricks", and invite all of your juggling buddies to join the group. You would then post tricks to group's von page (@JugglingTricks) and chat about the tricks in the comments.
After creating a group, you can switch between your main account and the group easily.
Groups use the same email and password as your main account.
Groups are nearly completely separate accounts. They have their own settings, von page, etc.
You are limited to creating 5 groups.
Your Von is your username.
Your profile page will have a unique URL of
People can search/find you using your Von.
When you want to find people, you ask them, "What's your Von?".
Your Von must be between 1 and 64 characters in length
Your Von can only contain capital or lowercase letters, underscores, hyphens, or numbers.